Let’s put things into perspective before anyone decides to jump off a bridge over the current mortgage debacle and subsequent real estate decline. At the end of the internet bubble in March of 2000, the NASDAQ composite hit a high of 5,132 and in March of 2001, after the bubble burst, the NASDAQ hit a high of 2,243, a 50% reduction. Yes there was some pain and suffering that came with this but to my knowledge nobody died, some jobs were lost but in the end, most the serious long term investors and industry professionals who serve them are still in the business. The same thing will happen in real estate just give it a minute.
I’m getting kind of sick and tired of what seems like day after day of the media telling me it’s the end of the world and housing is dead. Guess what, as long as it takes this thing to bottom out, when it does, it will take a nice bounce and for most of us in the industry who have no interest in looking for another job in another line of work, we’ll be back to making good money in an industry we know and love. So with all due respect to the media, you think you could move on and find something else to report about because your housing pieces are really starting to bore people and I think you guys capable of better journalism.
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